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Thursday, 23 May 2013

A Drawing Each Day

In the last little while I have been exploring other artist's blogs and I came across one of an artist who draws everyday. She directed me to a blog called Every Day Matters which is a blog about drawing daily. The title of the blog is a play on words meaning "the matters of every day". This is evidenced in the types of drawings that are done every day. The drawings are of normal every day things. However, when I first read the title I thought it meant that every day should matter which got me thinking about how we can make every day matter. Often we go through life routinely, not thinking much about the day. One way to make each day matter is to do something unexpectedly nice for someone else even if it is a small thing. Another would be to encourage those you meet with a smile or a note or saying something nice to them. Every day is a gift and we should make the most of each one.
Back to art. I was intrigued that someone could find time every day to draw something and I always have a hard time thinking of something to draw when I have time. On this blog there is a list of things already made up and I also found a list of "things to draw in May 2013". Although it is more than half way through May, I thought I would challenge myself to draw everyday following the list. So far so good. Below are the drawings I've done so far.

Draw something that belongs to someone else

Draw your favourite drink

Draw the last thing you bought

Draw a map
I'm going to try to keep the "draw a day" up until the end of May. If it goes well, I'll continue into June and I will also try to make every day matter.

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