Last week I shared with you that I was accepted into a show at the Art Gallery of Burlington and was trying to get into a Juried Show called Impact 2014 at the Neilson Park Creative Centre. I`m happy to announce that I was also accepted into that show. The opening reception was on Tuesday night where they awarded prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honourable mention. I did not win, however, I haven`t entered any shows for several years and have never entered shows with textile art. I was quite pleased to be accepted into Impact 2014 because mine is the only textile art on display there.
It was strange being at the reception because I felt really out of I didn`t belong there. I walked through the gallery looking at all the artwork. There was a variety of media; watercolour, acrylic, pen and ink, collage, photography, collagraph, monoprints. They all looked so much better than what I produced. I believe that is my inner critic speaking. More than 100 pieces of art were entered and only 59 were chosen and mine was one of them, so it must have been up to snuff.
I`m not saying my art is bad; I really like what I produce. However, I do think there is some truth to the saying, ``Beauty is in the eye of the beholder``. It does have a lot to do with what people like. Yes, technique and composition and colour choices also come into play but textile art isn`t everyone`s cup of tea. I`m really putting myself "out there" when I enter shows and that is scary to me.
I am not entering shows to become famous or to get teaching gigs or even win prizes (although that would be a nice perk) but simply to assess my talent; to see if I stack up to other artists as well as to learn what it takes to be a good artist.
For a long time I was content to create art at home on my own and share it only with friends and family. That is the safe way. Rarely will friends and family tell you your art stinks and if they do, at least you haven't shown it to the world. But lately, my attitude has changed about sharing what I do. The Bible says we have to grow our talents and share them with the world. I do believe this talent is from God and I need to nurture it and become better at it so that it produces quality work that the world can benefit from. Now this is where I struggle. How does God want me to use this talent? How can this talent benefit the world? I've decided that if God has given me this gift, He will make sure it gets used. I just have to continue to learn and grow and use it, not for my glory but for His.
I think your art is beautiful! And congrats on putting yourself "out there".