As you know, I go for a walk around my neighbourhood each Thursday morning. It serves as a way to prepare my mind for my art day but it also often provides me with subjects to draw or with treasures that I pick up along the path.
This morning I received a little treasure that I thought I would pass on. As I walked I was praying for some of our family and friends who are struggling with difficult things and wondering why we are given these difficult situations on occasion. We would love to eradicate them from our lives and often we worry, become angry and despair over them. I do believe they have a purpose but what could that purpose be?
I was given this little treasure and it calmed my mind. Difficulties are not pleasant; they are painful to those going through them and those watching and supporting them. changing our perspective, these difficulties can result in beautiful blessings. We tend to obsess about the difficulty but perhaps we have to back up and look at the bigger picture, take a God's-eye view of the situation. Try to see His grace at work in the struggle because He is definitely there and working.
It's like we used to pluck all the dandelions out of our lawn because they were
WEEDS. Now that we are no longer permitted to spray weed killer, there are lawns covered with them. And interestingly, that lawn of dandelions is so joyful-looking. A bright yellow field! A pretty blessing! And then they become pretty little puff balls.
So the inspiration that I got from this little treasure has to do with the fabric cards that I make. I just made an art quilt of many of those cards and hung it in my front hallway. It is really interesting to look at. But how cool would it be if I worked out a large pattern for an art quilt and split it up into smaller 4 X 6 inch fabric cards that I could send to people for their special occasions and when they were done with them received them back. Once they were all back, I would put them together and VOILA! the image would be revealed to all! And it would be a piece that would remind me to always look at the bigger picture.