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Thursday, 27 September 2018

Canoe Art Quilt and Using my New Machine

The Canoe Art Quilt top is pieced together! My Office Time App tells me I've worked 71 hours on it so far.

Finished quilt top with very rough edges.

The light green and light blue section across the quilt are where the organza will be placed to create the mist rising from the water. Today, I placed several layers of organza on the quilt top to see how it would look and noticed that the section of land in the middle of the composition is supposed to look like it is far in the distance and it wasn't reading that way. In order to fix that I also placed a larger piece of organza (just one layer) over top of that section and it does a nice job of pushing it back into the distance and making the two land forms on either side of the quilt come forward into the middle ground.

In the photo above, I have one layer of organza over the mist area of the water. In the next photo there are about 6 layers of organza laid in that area.

I haven't sewn the organza down yet because I am not sure it reads as mist yet. Maybe you could let me know what you think.

Over the summer I had the opportunity to buy a sit-down quilting machine at a discounted price because it was a demo and was a bit damaged. I had to wait a long time for all the parts to be sent to me and I also had to spend some time putting it together and figuring out how it worked. It is a Janome Artistic Quilter and it has a large table and a larger space under the machine than my domestic sewing machine which will make quilting much easier and quicker.

I did some practicing on scrap fabric and adjusted the stitch tensions before I used it to sew down some of the organza on my quilt top. I still have a lot to learn about this machine but I'm sure it will make my job a little easier.

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