Each season I hang a new landscape quilt in my dining room and it came time to switch up the Spring one with the Fall one. (Note: I am currently working on the Summer one). But the whole time the Spring Quilt was hanging something bothered me about it.
I decided it was that the section of yellow in the middle didn't have enough value variation in it. So, using "Heat n Bond" I found some of the other dark fabrics that I had already used elsewhere in the quilt and placed pieces here and there over other fabric on the yellow bush.
I think the change breaks up the yellow mass pretty nicely and I like it better. I may still add a bit more of the darker values because it still seems to split the quilt in half instead of unifying it. You see sometimes when you think you're finished, you're not. Once I've added all the darker pieces, I'll have to machine quilt overtop of them again to secure them.
Seems to bring the quilt to life more. Amazing what a bit of different colour can do.