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Thursday, 17 April 2014


Graffito- an inscription or drawing made on a public surface (as a wall) --The Merriam Webster Dictionary

Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public place.[1] Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire.[2] -- Wikipedia

Graffiti is controversial. Many people have a negative attitude toward graffiti due to the illegal nature of defacing public or private spaces. Graffiti gives the feeling that the area it is in, is a poor area of a city. Gangs use graffiti to mark territory or to serve to indicate some gang related activity. Some graffiti are simply "tags" which are the most common type of graffiti. It is basically the artist's signature. Some graffiti is vulgar, some is ugly, but some is very creative and beautiful. Today graffiti is a rapidly developing art form.
I don't condone vandalism or gangs but graffiti interests me as an art form. There are many talented graffiti artists around the world. I have tried to draw letters in a graffiti style and I find it difficult. I really like the colours that are used and the shapes. Graffiti has a lot of energy and pizzazz! You can't miss it when you see it.

Above are a couple of examples of "Tags" that I photographed on a walk along the Humber River. These were done on the underside of the bridges.

This is graffiti on Plexi-glass highway barriers in The Netherlands.

This is graffiti found in different areas of Toronto. There are places in Toronto where graffiti has been commissioned and allowed. If you have ever watched Rick Mercer, he does his rant while walking through back allies plastered with graffiti.

What is your opinion of graffiti? Post your comment.

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