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Thursday 7 August 2014

Passing on Inspiration

My children and grandchildren all know that my studio is never off-limits. I love to have company in there and I love them all to take an interest in what I do in there. My grandchildren have a special drawer in the studio that holds their paper, paint, playdoh, markers, craft items. I will soon have to give them another drawer because this one is overflowing. I also have an easel set up for them so they can paint and this is what they most love to do when they visit me.

I love the carefree way they paint. They don't worry about which colours look well together. They just plaster the paint on the paper. Sometimes the paintings end up rather dark and muddy but most times they are colourful and playful. I love to photograph their paintings and use the computer to print the designs on fabric or I will cut the paintings and use them as background in the journals I am making for them.

When they join me in the studio, there is stuff everywhere and paint in places it shouldn't be but we have a great time. It is amazing that they often inspire me!

I am introducing them to creativity and I hope they will continue to be creative throughout their lives. They are still very young but I can't wait until I can teach them to draw and sketch.

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