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Thursday, 12 November 2015

Help Needed with Artist Statement

When I send in my application to enter my quilt into the "My Corner of the World" Quilt show, I have to include an Artist Statement of 75 words or less. An Artist Statement is a basic introduction to my art to help people appreciate it.

Basically it will tell people, why I make my art, what inspires me to make art, what my art signifies or represents, what is unique and special about my art and what it means to me.

I'm pretty sure I can write something about why I make art, what inspires me, and what it means to me. But its a little harder to write about what makes it unique or special. I have some ideas but I thought I would ask you, my loyal followers what you think is unique or special about my art, specifically my art quilts. Perhaps you could tell me how you feel when you view it or what questions come to mind. To help you with that just click into my gallery on this blog of my art quilts to view them.

Thanks so much for your help with this!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arja. I love your ability to tie in different mediums into your quilts. It makes them come alive. Also you have a real skill in tieing in different fabrics to make the images stand out. When I view your quilts I feel inspired to visit the places you made them from.

