Well, yesterday I finished the quilting on my Rock Reflections quilt and so I took the necessary photographs of it. They wanted one full photo and one detail photo. There are special instructions for the photography as far as number of pixels, no distortion, proper colours, all edges of the quilt have to be visible and they have to be clear. It makes sense that they have all these rules and they do recommend having the quilt professionally photographed. I have always taken my own photographs and the fact that I have been accepted into shows and that they have also been used in a book tells me my photos will pass muster. I did take a few shots and chose the ones that best pictured my quilt. The jurors go only by the photos we send to evaluate whether the quilts are good enough for the show so they have to be up to snuff. However, there is still a chance that you are rejected when the quilt is actually sent because of something that didn't show on the photos.
Also thank you to those who replied to my request in the last blog. I found that 75 words is incredibly short and it was hard to say everything I wanted to say in so few words.
I will hear by the end of December whether I have been accepted into the show. In the meantime, I have to sew a hanging sleeve to the back of the quilt so it can be hung for display. That's what I am busy with now.
Now that the quilt is done, I can move on to the many things that I have put on back burners due to lack of time. I have a few Christmas projects in the wings and a few portraits to complete again. Plus, when I am working on something, I always get more ideas running through my head of things I'd like to do. There is no lack of inspiration just lack of time occasionally.
I am continuing my journal of drawings from the neighbourhood when I can. Below is the latest sketch.
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