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Thursday, 27 December 2018

Goals for 2019

I am a creature of habit. So when my routine is disrupted, I feel very lost and unsettled. That's what's happening to me today. It's Thursday...Art Day...but because we are in the Christmas week, the days have been anything but routine. That's not a bad thing or a negative thing; it just messes me up. I awoke at 3:30 am and just couldn't fall back to sleep. Running through my mind were, "What art am I going to do today?, What will I blog about?, No, I need to tidy up my house after all our partying., Oh, I have library items that are due back today"...and on and on. I finally got up and just started my day.

Maybe I should have begun the day with my usual walk. That always gets my creativity going and inspires me. Being who I am, if the house is a mess, I can't settle down and do art so I began by tidying and cleaning. I felt very satisfied when the house was back to normal but it did nothing for my creativity. Eventually, I went down to my studio to see if just being in that space would inspire me...... Nothing! I took out a few things I had been working on but one of them bombed and that's a real inspiration sapper. Yes, not everything I do, turns out the way I want it to. Bah!

Well, Ok, then. Figure out what your goals will be for 2019. That's what I did and now at least I have a plan and I won't be aimlessly trying to figure out what to do. Here are my goals for 2019.

1. Do more "on location" sketching and include people. Uh, huh, I've been leaving people out of my sketches because I don't do them well. So if I never try them, I'll never do them well. Here's a sketch I did from a magazine this past week, WITH people. Not too bad; there's hope.

2. Paint fabric to use in art quilts. I'm not sure that I will actually use this hand painted fabric because I really love the colours I can get with commercial fabrics. However, I will try the paint and see how vibrant I can make my fabrics.

3. Create a Perpetual Birthday/Anniversary Calendar. I made one of these many years ago so it is time for an update. I'm not sure what the theme will be so if you have an idea for me, please let me know.

4. Create 3 small art quilts. This could be a stretch for me because my goal last year was 2 art quilts and I only produced 1. I think the operative word is "small'.

5. Do one art activity that is "outside my comfort zone". Risky! But how will you know you can do it if you don't try. I have a few ideas so you'll have to keep up with my blog to find out what that would be.

Wishing all my blog supporters a very Blessed 2019 and hope you also have some interesting goals.

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