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Thursday, 9 May 2019

Improving in my People Drawing Skills

I'm still doing my People Drawing People Course and trying to get out to draw from life. It does seem to be getting easier the more I do it. I find it easiest if I just take my sketchbook and pens with me wherever I go so that if I have to wait, I can just get them out and draw. That way I don't have to plan an outing to a place that may or may not have people who are relatively still or standing/sitting in one spot.

I tend to get anxious when people move too much because that means I have to abandon my sketch and begin anew. However, I am learning to just get down what I can and if the subject moves, just start a new sketch of the new position or begin drawing someone else in the area.

I still make heads too long or too small but I am seeing some improvement so that's encouraging to me. I have also let go of the expectation that it has to be perfect. I kind of like the quirky, wonkiness of the sketches.

We've covered general drawing, drawing moving people and foreshortening. I haven't checked this week's lessons yet so I'm unsure what the subject is. I hope to have a look at it today at some point.

Last week I went to the library and sketched this woman at her computer. She was a great subject because she didn't move very much. Later a man and his wife walked over to a shelf of books and spent a little time looking so I quickly sketched him as well.

When I was done with the live sketches I opened the magazine I had picked up to hide my sketchbook inside of so no one knew I was sketching and drew some people out of it.

When I'm watching the videos with my lessons in them, I sketch the instructors as they are talking. Here I had to contend with some movement in the position of their heads as they spoke.

Here you can see my issues with head size and profiles. Every time I sketch I learn something new and I feel more confident in my abilities.

This was practice for the lesson on foreshortening (not a great example). The foreshortening of my leg shows that my lower leg is not visible but then my foot is partially visible. Here I was watching the little ones in the nursery at church and thought I would try to sketch them. They move way to much and their proportions are totally different than adults.

The above and below were done today at the lab as I was waiting to get blood work done. Everyone is on their cell phones as they wait....except me. I don't know if anyone in the waiting room knew I was sketching and interestingly, it didn't bother me. I guess I figured they were all so preoccupied with their phones that they didn't notice me.


This guy changed his position before I could finish the top sketch so I just started a new one. Eventually, I'll get faster at sketching and then might also be able to include some shading.

If any of my followers are interested in a free Sketchbook Skool course, I have a coupon for the course called How to Draw Without Talent. The deal expires on May 31/19 so let me know if you are interested. It is an online course and you will be sent the lessons via email. You can do the lessons whenever you have time. I think I can only give it to one person so first come, first served.

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