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Thursday, 14 December 2017

Assessing 2017 and Setting Goals for the 2018 Art Season

It is almost the end of the year and I like to take stock of what I actually completed as far as art goes in this year. Sometimes it feels like I haven't produced anything of worth probably because I'm always feeling I'm behind or spending too much time on one project. So it is good for me to think back on the projects that I tackled.

In 2017 I made 128 fabric cards (the most I've ever made in a year, 8 watercolour cards, 7 graphite baby portraits, 2 art quilts, Sketches for digital photobook and various other sketches.

Considering the time it takes to make fabric cards and art quilts, I've been really productive this year.

I would like to do some other art that I haven't done in a while such as acrylic paintings. In order to be able to do that I'm going to have to let something else go. That would mean doing less fabric cards because this year I usually spent most of my Thursday Art Day designing and making them and not getting to other art.

Goals for 2018

* make less fabric cards
* do more watercolour and drawn cards
* make at least 2 fabric art quilts
* make at least 2 acrylic paintings
* take an art course
* experiment with dying my own fabric
* keep a garden sketch book

I'm not sure this is all realistic but I'm going to try to grow in my ability by also drawing more. I want to keep learning and getting better at my craft.

Below is my first watercolour card for 2018. At the moment it is just the drawing on watercolour paper. I still have to add colour. It was drawn with my Deluxe Micro Uniball using one of my photographs of birds around my bird feeder.

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