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Thursday, 5 April 2018

From Acrylic to Watercolour to Fabric

I've been continually working on my latest acrylic painting of several canoes and I like where it is going. I feel the need to let it sit for a while and let me observe it to figure out what it still needs. To me there is still something not right or not complete with it so I will move on to something else for a while.

I'm itching to do another art quilt but this time I'd like to make one that I will frame like a painting. I am still in a canoe frame of mind so I went into my photo library of my canoe trips and found two photos that I liked. I put them together in an editing program on my computer to come up with a composition I liked. I took the canoe out of one photo and placed it in a setting of another photo.

I have used this particular canoe in other artworks. I have a sketch of just the canoe and I also used it in my 2017 Calendar.

For my art quilt, as is customary, I will do a watercolour painting of the scene. From the watercolour, I will use the composition and choose my fabric from the colours I used in the painting. I will also trace the painting and enlarge the tracing for my quilt pattern. I am hoping I will get this all done before I go on my quilting retreat at the end of April so I have something to work on while I am there.

This is the beginning of my watercolour for the art quilt. I sketched the composition onto watercolour paper with watercolour pencil and will now begin to paint it.

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