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Saturday, 28 December 2019

Assessing My 2019 Goals

It's the time of year where I do an inventory of the art I have completed and whether I met the goals I set in 2018.

Goal #1 - to do more "on location" sketching and include people.

Well, 'on location' didn't happen often but I did do a few and mostly when I was on vacation and I did sketch in the library once.  I did try my hand at sketching people, not as much as I wanted to but I'm happy that I tried.

Goal # 2 - to paint some fabric.

I did do this and enjoyed it very much. I use some of this fabric when I want a unique background for a card or something and occasionally use it in my quilts.

Goal#3 - to make a perpetual calendar

I started it but only got January and February done. At first I was disappointed but then I realized that I did't have to finish it this year. I'd rather make a really nice one with well thought out ideas than try to race to get it done and have it be less than spectacular. These pages will be constructed of fabric and quilted. The lettering is all done on my sewing machine. Once all the months are done, I'll photograph them and have them printed into a calendar.

Goal# 4 - to complete 3 small art quilts.

I only got two done.

Goal#5 - to do something outside my comfort zone.

I had a plan which didn't materialize because something more important came up but I will still pursue this in 2020. Besides my goals, I continued working on other art projects. Three baby portraits were completed and I'm still working on another. My four youngest grand children now also have art aprons which I completed for them this year. 53 fabric cards were made and sent out and I finished an untitled acrylic painting.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

SAQA Exhibition Entry

I picked up my new art quilt from the framers today. After I dropped it off last week, I wondered if it was too small. I was a little miffed at myself for not making it bigger. But when I got it home an hung it on the wall, I really, really liked it. I think the size of it will make viewers move in closer to see how it was created and then to get the whole effect they will move further back to enjoy the whole piece. That's not to say that I won't some day do a large wall quilt of this subject but I'm satisfied with how this little one turned out.

When entering an exhibition, there are a lot of rules and regulations from limits on size to how photographs are taken and even size of photos. With new technology Jurors make the selections for acceptance by viewing photos of the works. So lighting has to be perfect. Colour has to be accurate. Positioning has to be straight and pixel size has to be right. Then, your piece needs to makes sense with the theme of the exhibition. That was my difficulty and initially I had decided not to enter. With encouragement from other SAQA members and some thought, I figured this little piece would fit the bill.

The theme for the exhibit is Colour with a U. Since SAQA is an international organization and in 2020 our International Conference is in Toronto, we wanted to highlight our uniqueness. We spell colour with a U as well as some other words. Below is the explanation of our theme.

"In Canada, we spell colour with a "u". We also spell labour, favourite, honour, and neighbour with a "u". That "u" could stand for unique, unforgettable, universal, unity, understanding, utopia. It could include the unusual, unexpected, unbound, unabashed, unaccounted, uncanny. We care about the "u"; it makes us unique. We care about the "you"; it brings us together. What do Canadian values of diversity and inclusion mean to you? How does your labour in your favourite medium honour your neighbourhood, your community? How doe you colour yourself into our Canadian culture?"


As an introvert, it is tempting to isolate myself from others. Through my experience on backcountry canoe trips, I have learned that we need others and others need us. This piece reminds me that we cannot survive well as lone trees. We need the unique and diverse qualities and personalities of family members and friends to help us navigate life, give us hope and add meaning to our lives.

Friday, 13 December 2019

Sidetracked From Original Art Quilt Plan

A few  weeks ago, I posted about a new art quilt I was planning and as I was beginning, I got sidetracked because I saw a watercolour card that I had made and really loved the whole composition. So instead of finishing my original idea, I put it aside and started the new plan. This was also from a photo I took on a kayak trip from last year.

I loved this solitary dead tree in this colourful landscape so I drew up my pattern, chose fabric and started sewing. This piece is smaller than the others I have done in this technique and I'm amazed that it worked out. It's about 8.75" X 15". I have decided to enter it in a SAQA exhibition at it's International Conference which is in Toronto in March 2020. The exhibition is called "Colour With a U" and will exhibit at the Homer Watson House in Kitchener as well as in RiverBrink Art Museum in Niagara-on-the-lake. After those exhibitions are done, the works will travel all over Canada to various venues.

I have been working feverishly on it every day that I can to get it finished in time for the deadline which is January 3rd, 2020. I finished it this morning and took it immediately to the framer. Because it is a smaller piece, I wanted to have it framed so it resembles a painting. I have done this with some of my other pieces and I really like the look.

For this piece, I decided to sew the background together first, quilt it and then applique the tree on top. Once the tree was placed and machine appliqued, I added smaller branches with free motion stitching on my sewing machine.

I will post the completed piece after I have sent my application in to SAQA. Now to continue my original plan.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Christmas Card Exchange

Sketchbook Skool has challenged us to join a Greeting Card Exchange and although I feel like I have a plethora of things on the go, I was really interested. I think because it's Sketchbook Skool the cards are to be drawn or painted or collaged but they did say we could use any media so of course, mine are fabric. I've been given 5 names with addresses of people from all over the world that I have to send a card to and then I will receive 5 cards from other artists.

I also made one for a Canadian Armed Forces Member who is away from home over the holidays helping to keep our world safe.  Here is a link in case you are interested.

Here's the address:
Any Canadian Armed Forces Member
PO Box 5004, Stn Forces
Belleville, ON
K8N 5Wl