Goal #1 - to do more "on location" sketching and include people.
Well, 'on location' didn't happen often but I did do a few and mostly when I was on vacation and I did sketch in the library once. I did try my hand at sketching people, not as much as I wanted to but I'm happy that I tried.
Goal # 2 - to paint some fabric.
I did do this and enjoyed it very much. I use some of this fabric when I want a unique background for a card or something and occasionally use it in my quilts.
Goal#3 - to make a perpetual calendar
I started it but only got January and February done. At first I was disappointed but then I realized that I did't have to finish it this year. I'd rather make a really nice one with well thought out ideas than try to race to get it done and have it be less than spectacular. These pages will be constructed of fabric and quilted. The lettering is all done on my sewing machine. Once all the months are done, I'll photograph them and have them printed into a calendar.
Goal# 4 - to complete 3 small art quilts.
I only got two done.
Goal#5 - to do something outside my comfort zone.
I had a plan which didn't materialize because something more important came up but I will still pursue this in 2020. Besides my goals, I continued working on other art projects. Three baby portraits were completed and I'm still working on another. My four youngest grand children now also have art aprons which I completed for them this year. 53 fabric cards were made and sent out and I finished an untitled acrylic painting.